Gain Community and Member Engagement with Juisci

Gain Community and Member Engagement with Juisci

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Oct 6, 2021
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We bring out the best of your organization. Partnering with Juisci means partnering with innovative medical publication solutions for SaaS platforms and businesses.

If you’re looking for ways to bring value and relevance to your members and healthcare ecosystem – Juisci is your missing link. We are science and healthcare oriented while always being human focused.

With our agile and modular tech, we foster creativity with trustworthy and timely access to medical publications. And by working together, you can provide your members access to this invaluable information platform to increase engagement, knowledge, and community within your organization.

As you can see, our product features are robust and all-encompassing when it comes to medical publication distribution. We simultaneously create a space for an enormous amount of healthcare knowledge to live while making each experience personalized and engaging.

We crawl open-access medical articles and through partnerships with medical societies and journals – we bring all the latest medical information straight to you. We put the time in to gather, analyze, and curate medical journals so by the time it reaches your members – they have bite-sized knowledge pearls to enjoy and engage with their peers over.

When you partner with us, your organization gains access to the latest medical content presented in a way to boost interaction and community. You have the power to evaluate user analytics to stay on top of the topics that matter most to your members.

Your members will also eventually have the ability to earn valuable continuing medical education (CME) points using Juisci.


Partnering with Juisci means you will have a branded Juisci platform to offer your members or medical team. Your logo will appear on the home screen of every Juisci application used.

Using your branded platform brings access to personalized audio and written medical content to stay up to date and relevant in the healthcare community.


Not only are users able to access a vast medical library of current publications, they can easily interact with their peers and other members through various communication features. Users are able to direct message peers, have group conversations, and collaborate around online events like e-Congress or other organizational offerings.

As much as you try, it’s difficult to always know what your members find interesting and valuable. With our platform, your members can promote and share note-worthy articles with their colleagues and fellow members. This creates an organically optimized (and personalized) user experience, enhancing member engagement.


Healthcare platforms that don’t constantly evolve and improve are as obsolete as dusty textbooks. With our highly-informed analytics, you can monitor members’ interest so you can continue to target their needs and increase engagement.

Rather than a static healthcare publication platform, we’re using a human-focused approach to ensure your members are getting access to the content they need the most and you can continue to over-deliver their wants as well.

You can access total traffic and daily traffic as well as how well a publication is eliciting a reaction. You can see what medical articles are the most read, most commented, and most shared among your members.

This data leads to an enormous amount of opportunity to create personalized conference topics and keep a pulse on what your members are talking about. By continuing to offer high-quality events, information, and content based on analytics results users continuously gain value with their membership.


By incorporating gamified clinical cases throughout the platform, your members retain knowledge more effectively and have the potential to earn continuing medical education (CME) points. CMEs are often costly and time-consuming, leaving your members scrambling to gather their points when it’s time for license or certification renewal.

With our interactive platform, your members can complete short quizzes and games related to the content that’s most important to their profession. While this is still in progress, we hope to collaborate with many accreditation bodies to serve your members in order to fulfill their competency requirements while they complete their normal daily learning with Juisci.


Democratizing medical publication access is a full-time job. Maybe you’ve tried to bring access to your members in the past with little success or only after great effort. You already have your plate and days full whether you’re a medical association, healthcare organization, or virtual health platform.

Partnering with Juisci means improving valuable features your members already want and need. Timely and effortless access to the latest publications means more time and effort to spend with their patients. Plus, the education provided through our gamified and community-based platform, your members and employees are more likely to retain the information so they can apply it to their practice.

To make sure you don’t miss out on our launch of the beta cardiology program, sign up to our waiting list here. And if you’re interested in investing or becoming a partner with us – please reach out here.

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